Underwriting Services
At AIBL we will provide you with satisfactory, professional and competent service both in
underwriting and claims. Among other services we strive to:
At AIBL we will provide you with satisfactory, professional and competent service both in
underwriting and claims. Among other services we strive to:
Ensure that you are placed with a reputable and financially solid underwriter.
We shall place covers with the recommended underwriter at least one (1) day
before commencement date.
Scrutinize and monitor the soundness and suitability of Treaty Reinsurance
arrangements of the underwriter prior to recommendation with a view to
ensuring you are securely protected. Where you have a preferred underwriter,
we will advice on their soundness and ability to meet your needs and
Monitor/Review risk management and insurance programmes in relation to
Market trends/benefits and suggest cost effective revisions in risk strategies to
ensure they continue to be pre-emptive and responsive to potential risks and
Carry out comprehensive risk surveys to identify areas of inherent risks and
exposures and suggest appropriate economic risk control measures.
Review of EUL premium with a view to rate reduction where practical.
Check each and every policy and endorsement in order to make sure that ACTED
has the widest and greatly improved insurance coverage at the most economical
premiums and rates. This includes preparation of detailed risk notes
incorporating latest extensive clauses to enhance your cover.
Give you loss control advice
Give you continuous service throughout the year in order to guard against your
insurances getting out of order through changed circumstances.
We shall assist ACTED in seeking and arranging premium financing where
necessary at the most economic and competitive interest rates and terms.
Arrange for relative fire, burglary, safety, liability etc risk surveys and risk
management with a view to containing the hazards and hence the premiums.
Give ACTED continuous advice of developments in the insurance market and the
effect of legislative changes which may affect your policies and thus relieving
your senior officials of a great deal of detailed work and responsibility.
We are available for consultation by your insurance department on any matter
pertaining to insurance. We have a competent team and our operations are such
that all correspondences are responded to in writing within twenty four (24)
hours upon receipt